Robotics 2 Path Planning and Trajectory Generation
In this video, you are shown how to use the inverse Jacobian matrix in order to control the end-effector velocities. We find the equations to do this for the SCARA manipulator that you built previously. In the next video, we'll program these equations into our PSoC to get the end-effector to move at a constant speed in a straight line.
In this video, we write PSoC code to get our SCARA manipulator to move the end-effector in a straight line at a constant velocity..
To complete this lab activity, make a video that includes the following in one video:
(1) You saying your name (2) Your SCARA manipulator moving the end-effector in a straight line parallel to the X0 axis (3) Your SCARA manipulator moving the end-effector in a straight line parallel to the Y0 axis